About Us

Details of Department

     Year of establishment: - 1974

      Physical education program provides each student with an opportunity to develop into a physical educated person; one who learns skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities, is physically fit, participates regularly in physical activity, knows the benefits from involvement in physical activity and its contributions to a healthy lifestyle. Physical education is modification of behaviour through physical activity.

 Physical education prepares students to participate in activities such as games and sports and also develop qualities such as leadership, team-sprit, co-operation and co-ordination, honesty, discipline, time management etc.

There are large number of carrier opportunities such as coaching, teaching, professional player and other jobs through sports quota.

Facilities provided:- 
  • Basketball court

  • Badminton court

  • Gym

  • Outdoor Playing Field


  • Indoor Yoga Hall

  •  Steam Bath room 


  • Provide residence facility to players
  • Scholarships to Excellent players  
  • Full fee concessions to outstanding players 
Department contact details:-  
  • Email Address- pcmsdphysical@gmail.com

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Department of Physical Education & Sports

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